land tenure & community governance

Introduction to the Finnish Nature Conservation Society by Sami Säynevirta. His colleague Francisco Sanchez will talk about large carnivores and the importance of them in ecosystems.

🌱 Introduction and Context: Jon Dunn, an American, introduces the Omamaa Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project near Helsinki. He explains the concept of CSA and its benefits for local communities and sustainable agriculture.

🏞️ Overview of Omama CSA: The farm is located in Tussula, with a history of 300 years. It covers 100 hectares, including forests and agricultural land. Dunn emphasizes the collaborative nature of the CSA, which involves multiple farmers working together.

Thu 30.3.2023 at 18.30

Kåre Wangel from Sociocracy for All will give us insight into how Sociocracy works or can work in associations. 

Kåre lives in his tiny house in the middle of Denmark with his daughter and two cats.
He works professionally as a consultant in self-management methods and purpose-driven leadership for both for-profit companies, civil organizations, and communities. 

Hortonomi, metsäpuutarhakouluttaja ja maanpalvelija Ulla-Maija Takkunen Kylänpään kotitilalta avaa aihetta kuinka luoda paikallista ekosysteemiä tukeva syötävä metsäpuutarha, joka tarjoaa ravintoa niin ihmisille kuin muille ekosysteemin osasille. Mitä mahdollisuuksia syötävät metsäpuutarhat tuovat meille osana ekosysteemiä?
Ulla-Maija vastaa kuulijoiden kysymyksiin tämän aiheen tiimoilta.

Suomessa voi nykyään kasvattaa yllättävän monenlaisia pähkinäkasveja kuten hassel- ja saksanpähkinöitä. Pähkinöistä tietokirjan tehnyt Joel Rosenberg kertoo perustietoja viljelyn konsteista ja vastaa kuulijoiden kysymyksiin.

Mitä kaikkea metsäpuutarhan suunnittelussa ja perustamisessa tulisi ottaa huomioon? Tule kuuntelemaan, keskustelemaan ja kysymään aiheesta! Aiheeseen alustaa omien suunnitelmien, valintojen ja esimerkkien kautta Heini Niinimäki, joka perheineen rakentaa suurehkoa metsäpuutarhaa Etelä-Savoon Punkaharjulle.

Discover the benefits of running a co-op and integrating permaculture with insights from Wilf Richards of Abundant Earth Co-op. Learn about sustainable practices, community engagement, and cooperative management. Perfect for those interested in cooperative models and sustainable living.

Explore permaculture design and sustainable living with Dominik Jais at Beyond Buckthorns. Learn about core permaculture principles, practical projects, and community involvement. Discover innovative solutions for a harmonious and productive environment. Perfect for eco-conscious enthusiasts.
Learn about no-dig gardening and permaculture from Joshua Finch. Discover sustainable soil health practices, practical no-dig methods, and permaculture principles for home and market gardens. Enhance productivity and environmental impact with these insights.

Catherine desribes her lecture like this:

LAND stands for Learning, Activities, Network and Demonstration of permaculture and the LAND centres are accredited places where people live and demonstrate the permaculture way. Learn about LAND, how to become a LAND centre and what the LAND network is in this presentation. I will also take you through the roles and responsibilities to make the LAND network thrive, so you can take an active part in it.

Who is Catherine?