education & culture

Steve will talk about how Permaculture has evolved in France and the Francophone world. Giving listeners an insight into the history and progression of Permaculture in France.
Please join in to celebrate Lumia’s finished Diploma in Applied Permaculture!
"Match & Hatch" is a new matchmaking lecture series. Barbara and Dominik will share their experience with the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design.
Permaculture is a holistic design system that works on social as well as the ecological structures. It is like a pair of glasses that allow you to see previously unseen possibilities: that rubble-filled urban lot as a food forest; your neighbourhood as a vibrant and resilient community; and yourself as part of a hugely complex web of life and the societal structures which form the world around you.
From a history of 44 yrs in Permaculture there is a recognition for an awareness of global networks which offer strength to our diversity. Permaculture being a Design Philosophy that fuses linkages recognises this valuable channel.

A three story-lines presentation featuring his personal journey, the establishment of a Permaculture Design center, as well as the skills he has developed over time and that he offers to clients.

The forest garden offers many opportunities to promote and maintain health. Anne will talk about the wide range of medicinal trees and shrubs that can be included in forest garden design. Alongside foods for health these plants offer a variety of herbal actions which can benefit many ailments and promote resilience. A range of design purposes will be considered from self-help to commercial production. Issues of quality and safety in harvesting and using these plants will also be discussed.

We have a more than 30 years old Forest Garden close to the Austrian Alps in a big biodiversity. In addition to old European cultivated fruit varieties, there are also exotic species such as Papau (Asimina triloba) and Chinese vegetable tree (Toona sinensis), but also numerous wild herbs.
A tour through all the permaculture zones, from 5 to 0, observing water patterns in nature, to then implement them in our homes.
An overview of how permaculture is represented in science, what types of research has been done and what are the results?

Accessing permaculture -  positives, challenges and suggestions for a more inclusive permaculture. 

In this interactive workshop Katie Shepherd will be talking about how her own experience of long term illness fuelled a journey of exploration into how accessible permaculture learning and experiences are for people with chronic illness and/or disabilities.

Podcast style interview with Australian Permaculture Designer Brenna Quinlan.

Brenna Quinlan is an illustrator and educator specialising in climate justice, sustainability and permaculture. She lives, works and builds soil on Minang and Bibbulmun Boodjar in South-West Western Australia.


Aranya will introduce some of the content from his forthcoming book 'Deep Permaculture - Revealing the Patterns and Systems Thinking Behind Ecological Design'

Morag Gamble is a global leader of the permaculture movement for change. Living and breathing the solution to move us beyond sustainability, to regeneration. She is the founder of the Permaculture Education Institute

🌱 Introduction and Context: Jon Dunn, an American, introduces the Omamaa Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) project near Helsinki. He explains the concept of CSA and its benefits for local communities and sustainable agriculture.

🏞️ Overview of Omama CSA: The farm is located in Tussula, with a history of 300 years. It covers 100 hectares, including forests and agricultural land. Dunn emphasizes the collaborative nature of the CSA, which involves multiple farmers working together.

Thu 6.4. at 18.30

Cathrine Dolleris runs a LAND center in Denmark. She is a tutor with the Nordic Permaculture Academy and Permaculture Association of Britain. 

Due to her long experience with permaculture design she has developed the Permaculture Design Toolbox, a universal set of design tools, with explanations and information. 

In her PermaPuheet she will be talking about the current state of the Design Toolbox and give us an overview of different tools.

Tuesday 7.3. at 18.30

Welcome Philipp Weiss, highly acclaimed author of multiple books, one of which was translated to Finnish in recent years – Monivuotiset vihannekset. 

During his PermaPuheet he will be talking about his latest interest – Urban edible landscapes. 


Thu 02.03. at 18.30

Stephen Barstow is the author of the book „Around the World in 80 Plants: An Edible Perennial Vegetable Adventure for Temperate Climates.

Mitä permakulttuuri on? Tässä PermaPuheessa etsitään ja kuullaan tähän kysymykseen vastauksia, tutustutaan permakulttuurin eettiseen pohjaan, periaatteisiin ja suunnittelumenetelmiin sekä mietitään, miten permakulttuuria voi käyttää omassa arjessa kestävämmän elämäntavan rakentamiseen, maalla tai kaupungissa.

Lumia Huhdanpää on yrittäjä, maaseutuaktiivi, kotitila Beyond Buckthornsin “pääpuutarhuri”, kaikenlaisen kiinnostavan kokeilija ja nykyään myös permakulttuurikouluttaja.

Suomessa voi nykyään kasvattaa yllättävän monenlaisia pähkinäkasveja kuten hassel- ja saksanpähkinöitä. Pähkinöistä tietokirjan tehnyt Joel Rosenberg kertoo perustietoja viljelyn konsteista ja vastaa kuulijoiden kysymyksiin.

Dominik Jais's final presentation for his Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design delves into the practical application of permaculture principles. He elaborates on various projects emphasizing soil health, water management, plant diversity, and integrating human living spaces with nature. Key points include creating sustainable and self-sufficient systems, enhancing biodiversity, and employing eco-friendly designs.

Kris is the creator and author of "Low-tech Magazine", a blog that is published in English, Dutch and Spanish. Low-tech Magazine refuses to assume that every problem has a high-tech solution. He is going to talk about his no- and low-tech approach and the solar powered website.

Marja kertoo permakulttuurin välineistä kestävämmän elämäntavan rakentamiseen niin henkilökohtaisella kuin yhteisölliselläkin tasolla. Kestävä tulevaisuus edellyttää kulttuurista muutosta, joka on mahdollista tehdä, kun siihen löydetään sopivat keinot. Maailmantilan voivottelun sijaan voimme tarttua toimeen paremman tulevaisuuden puolesta. Marja Nuora on maisemasuunnittelija ja permakulturisti, joka suorittaa tällä hetkellä permakulttuuridiplomia. Hän asuu Karjalohjalla Iso-orvokkiniitty-permakulttuuritilalla yhdessä miehensä kanssa.

Mitä permakulttuuri on? Etsitään ja kuullaan tähän kysymykseen vastauksia, tutustutaan permakulttuurin eettiseen pohjaan, periaatteisiin ja suunnittelumenetelmiin sekä mietitään, miten permakulttuuria voi käyttää omassa arjessa kestävämmän elämäntavan rakentamiseen maalla ja kaupungissa. Lumia Huhdanpää on kotitila Beyond Buckthornsin "pääpuutarhuri", permakulttuuriyhdistyksen aktiivi ja aloitteleva permakulttuurikouluttaja.

The lecture/Q & A evening is in English. First there will be a short intro to the wonderous world of fermentation, and after that a Q & A part - so prepare your questions in advance! Ask anything about fermentation!

About the teacher:

Based in Tennessee, USA, fermentation revivalist Sandor Ellix Katz is the author of multiple books on fermentation including Fermentation as Metaphor (2020), The Art of Fermentation (2012) and Wild Fermentation (2003)

Explore permaculture design and sustainable living with Dominik Jais at Beyond Buckthorns. Learn about core permaculture principles, practical projects, and community involvement.
Learn about no-dig gardening and permaculture from Joshua Finch. Discover sustainable soil health practices, practical no-dig methods, and permaculture principles for home and market gardens. Enhance productivity and environmental impact with these insights.

Siementen kerääminen on hauskaa ja antoisaa! Tässä PermaPuheessa käydään läpi erilaisten siementen talteenottoa ja säilyttämistä. Saat vinkkejä, mistä kasveista on helppoa aloittaa, miten siemenet otetaan käytännössä talteen ja miten siemenet kannattaa säilyttää, jotta ne pysyvät hyvinä talven yli.

Lumia Huhdanpää-Jais on permakulttuurin harjoittaja ja kotipuutarhuri, josta on jännää ajatella, että siementen talteenotto ja kasvien lisääminen itse kerätyistä siemenistä on itse asiassa hyvinkin vallankumouksellinen teko.

Catherine desribes her lecture like this:

LAND stands for Learning, Activities, Network and Demonstration of permaculture and the LAND centres are accredited places where people live and demonstrate the permaculture way. Learn about LAND, how to become a LAND centre and what the LAND network is in this presentation. I will also take you through the roles and responsibilities to make the LAND network thrive, so you can take an active part in it.

Who is Catherine?